Happy Tuesday Scholars!
Today’s Topic: Adjectives versus Adverbs
Sentence: According to the study results, a national firm often manufactures products that look DIFFERENT than those made locally.
Edited Sentence: According to the study results, a national firm often manufactures products that look DIFFERENTLY than those made locally.
Explanation: Too often, writers infuse conversational phrases into their academic writing. One such example is using adjectives when adverbs should be used instead.
In the sample sentence above, the word “different” describes the verb “look.” However, “different” is an adjective (a word that describes a noun or pronoun); the adverb form of the word is needed because the verb “look” is being modified. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Therefore, in the edited sentence, the adverb form of the word (“differently”) correctly replaces the adjective form of the word (different).
When editing scholarly documents, ensure to use the proper modifiers to describe nouns and verbs.
Until next week, Happy Writing!!!
Dr. V Writing Coach-Editor-Speaker Author of I'm Not a Writer...I am Just in Graduate School (order your copy at https://www.amazon.com/Not-Writer-Just-Graduate-School/dp/1533392919)