Some writing styles are more informal and conversational than others. Oral forms of communication, which tend to be informal, should not be incorporated into academic writing (except as dialogue).
However, oral communication can and does creep into scholarly writing. One way is through double verb usage, which is fine when speaking, but redundant when writing. The sentences below illustrate this concept.
Original Sentence: Research DOES PROVIDE a significant amount of support for the professional disparities between different socioeconomic groups.
The sentence has two verbs; “does” and “provide.” Are both needed? No, so the main verb (“provides”) is kept while the extraneous one (“does”) is removed in the edited sentence below.
Edited Sentence: Research PROVIDES a significant amount of support for the professional disparities between different socioeconomic groups.
Efficient verb use improves the clarity and conciseness of ideas. While double verb use is needed for some sentence constructions, writers typically only need one main verb.
Cultivating tip at a time!
