Happy Tuesday!
Today’s Topic: Eliminate Redundancy
Sentence: The focus group discussion explores THE REASONS WHY patients do no continue with care once released from the treatment facility.
Edited Sentence: The focus group questions discussion explores THE REASONS patients do no continue with care once released from the treatment facility.
Explanation: If not careful when editing, scholars will not delete instances of redundancy from their writing. Sometimes, identifying redundant word use is difficult because it is subtle.
For example, the phrase “the reasons why” in the example sentence above seems fine. However, upon closer scrutiny, you will note that the word “why” is unnecessary because “the reasons” explain “why.” Therefore, in the edited sentence, “why” is deleted.
When editing your documents, look for words and phrases that repeat one another then remove one of them.
Until next week, Happy Writing!!!
Dr. V Writing Coach-Editor-Speaker Author of I'm Not a Writer...I am Just in Graduate School
(order your copy at https://www.amazon.com/Not-Writer-Just-Graduate-School/dp/1533392919)
Godd bless