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Write the Thesis/Dissertation with Less Stress and Anxiety

As a writing coach, I often guide doctoral scholars in making consistent progress (i.e., getting unstuck), managing the never-ending "to read," "to research," "to do" list, overcoming thesis/dissertation writing isolation, developing as critical thinkers and other issues.

A doctoral student I worked with for several years (who now has a PhD) recently sent me the Ted Talk video below. Please take the 16 minutes to invest in understanding that the challenges you may be facing are common (because many most scholars I work with think that only they struggle with these things). Since Dr. Valadez-Martinez is a professor in England and the Ted Talk was done in England, some of the doctoral journey jargon is different. However, the content remains relevant.

While everyone navigates these issues differently, you can utilize proven strategies to write

your thesis or dissertation. If you need support or guidance, don't hesitate to contact a writing coach or editor!

Happy Writing,

Dr. V Writing Coach-Editor-Speaker Author of I'm Not a Writer...I am Just in Graduate School (order your copy at

Available in hard copy and on Kindle

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